On this page you will find a range of resources and links to websites to help you and your practice carry out Annual Health Checks (AHC) and create a health action plan (HAP).
CKS Nice https://cks.nice.org.uk/topics/learning-disabilities/ Covers diagnosis, management including AHC and behaviour that challenges.
People with learning disabilities have poorer health outcomes compared to the general population. The annual health check (AHC) promotes health and wellbeing and can identify problems early.
We recommend the use of the EMIS AHC template “Learning disabilities annual health check “or the Ardens® template “ learning disability” to help with a structured assessment.
People with genetic syndroms including Down’s -, Rett-, William-, Noonan-, Fragile X-, Angelman- and other syndromes need additional tests at the AHC.
It is a legal duty to provide patients with reasonable adjustments so they can access health care the same as the general population.
It is good practice to document reasonable adjustments in the medical records. This will help with every patient contact and with annual recall for health checks, vaccination and chronic disease monitoring.
A Health Action Plan (HAP) must be produced as a result of the AHC outlining any actions and outcomes including recommendations on health promotion and wellbeing. The HAC plan is reviewed at the next AHC and progress monitored.
Following Health action plans are available in emis under documents:
Autism Independence have produced posters in various languages to be used in GP practice waiting areas. The posters detail support that they provide for people with a learning disability to access their annual health check.
You might want to ask for feedback after the annual health check. Click here to access the Annual Health Check Patient Feedback Form from Southern Health.
It is good practice to review and update the GP learning disability register. Add the code “learning disability” or "on the learning disability register”. You do NOT need an expert opinion or specialist assessment before adding a patient to your register. You can use the Leeds inclusion toolkit if you are unsure if a patient should be added to the register.
Here are resources to help you support the transition of patient on the learning disability register from paediatric to adult services. Your best tool is an up-to-date learning disability register and inviting young people from the age of 14y for annual health checks.
Join the network of learning disability champions. Anyone, if clinician or administrator can join. Email: sirona.ldchampions@nhs.net.
We are running regular learning disability lead GP forums and send out a learning disability newsletter. To get on our mailing list contact sirona.ldchampions@nhs.net
The Sirona Learning Disabilities Health Service
BNSSG Annual Health Check Team:
Juliane Matthies - GP Clinical Lead for Learning Disabilities BNSSG: juliane.matthies@nhs.net
Videos for health care professionals and people with learning difficulties and their supporters about AHC from NHS England and NHS Improvement South West - Please see this document for full details.
AHC resources for health care professionals, carers and people with learning disability - NDTI health-check-resources-guides.
NHS England guidance including easy read resources: https://www.england.nhs.uk/learning-disabilities/improving-health/annual-health-checks/.
The west of England learning disability collaborative has excellent educational videos on many aspects of the annual health check, care planning, capacity/consent and oral health.
BNSSG Annual Health Check promotion video - BNSSG ICB commissioned the video with learning disabled actors to promote Annual Health Checks. It is designed for GPs to text to LD patients as a reminder to book an appointment. Text link is: https://youtu.be/dGITBtSSEGo
Annual health check resources for care providers and care and residential home
Here is a word document that can be shared with care homes. It provides information about the annual health check and how best to prepare for it, the GP learning disability register, health life style and screening. Each section includes resources for carers and patients. There is a power point that carers can use for self study.
Ethni minorities- Promoting access to the learning disability register and learning disability annual health checks
Summary learning brief for primary care includes simple changes that can be made to address the inequality in access to primary care faced by people with a learning disability from ethnic minority backgrounds. Ethnic Minority Primary Care Learning Brief
Self-assessment toolkit for GP practices round AHC and reasonable adjustments: GP self assessment
These are examples of an easy read appoint cards that can be edited:
EASY READ Example practice complaints leaflet
The Victoria & Stuart Project co-produced End of Life Care Planning Toolkit. With 3 guides that explain how to approach discussions about death, dying and care planning with people with learning disability. Also a lot of resources. End of Life Care Planning Toolkit| Victoria and Stuart
SeeAbility support people with LD / autism and sight problems. Their website has a function to look for a local optician with expertise in people with learning disability.
Leeds Team have developed the excellent "Let me tell you about my pain" booklet with non-verbal communication tools and body maps
Wong-Baker FACES® pain rating scale
Non-Communicating Adult Pain Checklist
Efforts are made to ensure the accuracy and agreement of these guidelines, including any content uploaded, referred to or linked to from the system. However, BNSSG ICB cannot guarantee this. This guidance does not override the individual responsibility of healthcare professionals to make decisions appropriate to the circumstances of the individual patient, in consultation with the patient and/or guardian or carer, in accordance with the mental capacity act, and informed by the summary of product characteristics of any drugs they are considering. Practitioners are required to perform their duties in accordance with the law and their regulators and nothing in this guidance should be interpreted in a way that would be inconsistent with compliance with those duties.
Information provided through Remedy is continually updated so please be aware any printed copies may quickly become out of date.