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Patient Initiated Follow-up

Checked: 22-04-2022 by Vicky Ryan Next Review: 21-04-2024

Patient Initiated Follow-up

Please see the GP Patient Initiated Follow-Up (PIFU) information document for further information.

If a patient has been put on a PIFU pathway, they will have been made aware of this at the time of their appointment and this will be recorded in the clinic letter.

Your copy of the patient’s clinic outcome letter will detail the length of the patient’s PIFU and who they should contact if they wish to book an appointment with the specialty.

If you are not able to find the contact details, please direct the patient to the Outpatient department at the relevant hospital:

Bristol UHBW hospitals: 0117 9230000

Weston hospital: 01934 636363

NBT: 0300 555 0103