REMEDY : BNSSG referral pathways & Joint Formulary

BNSSG Paediatric Joint Formulary
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Purpose and Format of the Joint Formulary


The purpose of Joint Formulary is to promote good prescribing practice and reduce variability in prescribing across BNSSG.  Formulary choices have been agreed between local clinicians, pharmacists and formulary leads.  The aim is that 90% of prescribing within BNSSG will be covered by formulary options.



The Joint formulary is arranged into chapters based on former BNF sections.  Each chapter contains a list of medicines approved for use in that specialty area.  In some cases, medicines are included for a specified indication; this will be indicated where applicable.

 Alongside a medicine listed in the formulary, there may be other prescribing points relevant to the drug, or hyperlinks to other documents such as NICE Technology Appraisals and Local Guidelines. If the medicine has an associated shared care protocol (SCP), a hyperlink to this will be present beside the listed medicine.


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