REMEDY : BNSSG referral pathways & Joint Formulary

Latest News:

Vaccination in Pregnancy (24/07/24)

A new page on Vaccination in Pregnancy has been added to the Obstetrics section.

Alcohol Misuse (03/07/24)

Information on the Wet Clinic's run in Bristol, where individuals can access health care from a nurse and a GP without needing to stop drinking, have been added to the Alcohol Misuse page.

Right to choose (02/07/24)

The spreadsheet for Right to Choose providers has been updated for Children & Young People for ADHD and Autism.

Ganglion (01/07/24)

This new page clarifies the referral process and PA requirements for Ganglion referral

ADHD Care Pathway for Children (27/06/24)

The ADHD care pathway has been updated. Schools should be the main referrers where possible, rather than GPs.

Long COVID (24/06/24)

The Long COVID 4-12 weeks and Long COVID over 12 weeks Remedy pages have now been consolidated into one Long COVID page.


With referral advice
for GPs in
South Glos
North Somerset