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BNSSG Paediatric Joint Formulary

About the BNSSG Joint Formulary

Last edited: 14-11-2023

The Bristol, North Somerset, & South Gloucestershire (BNSSG) Joint Formulary



Please see the 'BNSSG Paediatric Formulary Decisions' for the most recent changes to the website

The 'Local Guidelines' section has been updated to present guidelines divided by BNF chapter. Please use the Enquiry Form below to give any feedback on these changes. 

The Joint Formulary has been built in the spirit of cooperative collaboration between Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire and has been designed as an advisory/guidance tool to assist in promoting cost-effective prescribing within the BNSSG Health Community. It is a joint venture between primary and secondary care, covering all prescribing within the BNSSG Health community. This therefore ensures that patients have continuity of medicines across the primary/secondary care interface.

It is hoped that the Joint Formulary will cover 90% of prescribing although it is recognised that there will be instances where prescribing outside of the formulary will be necessary. Where medicines are not listed and therefore non-formulary either complete an IFR application and submit to the relevant IFR panel for individual patient requests where exceptionality can be shown or complete a new drug application form to be considered for Formulary approval.

The Joint Formulary is a constantly evolving and dynamic document. Please use the email below to get in touch.



Got a question or comment about the Joint Formulary? Please use the email address below to contact us and we will endeavour to respond within 2 working days.