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Datix Concerns Reporting

Checked: 02-11-2023 by Vicky Ryan Next Review: 01-11-2025


The BNSSG Quality Team has been working towards harmonising the way clinicians inform the ICB of issues regarding the quality of patient care across BNSSG. In Bristol this was previously via the ‘contact us’ service, in North Somerset the ‘Datix reporting tool’ and in South Gloucestershire the ‘Quality Portal’.

The process involved implementation a new Datix reporting tool, accessed via a web link, and went live in July 2018. The emphasis of the new reporting tool will be the identification of themes affecting the quality or safety of patient care. Themes will be followed up by the quality team with the providers in question and any learning will be shared on the quality pages of the BNSSG website.

Datix system access is not required to submit a concern. Please use the links below to make your report and any feedback will be sent back to the reporter of the event. Themes and trends are sent out quarterly in the GP bulletin

Please also see information on the NHS safety strategy and reporting framework below:

How to Report

To submit a Datix report please use the link below to save to your desktop for N3 users:

For further information contact
Quality central email account for ‘Contact us’:
Dr Ben Burrows, BNSSG ICB GP Clinical Lead for Quality:


The Datix team release an annual newsletter summarising activity over the previous year and these can be found below:

June 2023