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BNSSG Adult Joint Formulary
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19. Other

Self Care

BNSSG self care guidance for prescribers



BNSSG Position Statement on the prescribing of Anthroposophical (Homeopathic and Herbal) Medicines


Advice for GP Practices

Cancelling an EPS Prescription – for Prescribers

GP mythbuster 28: Management of controlled drugs

Prescriber registration to and removal from practices, cost centres - NHS BNSSG ICB


Sick Day Rules

BNSSG Sick day rules Guideline


General Prescribing Advice

Prescribing, Dispensing and Switching Brand

Prescribing Process Guidance for Non-Prescribing Clinicians in General Practice - This guidance was developed in collaboration with key local stakeholders and incorporates expert input from several national organisations and has been ratified by ALMC, APMOC, and PCOG. The aim of this guidance is to assist practices in establishing safe and effective prescribing processes. While practices are encouraged to consider this guidance, the adoption of its recommendations is entirely optional, and each practice remains responsible for determining its own prescribing procedures. We hope you find this resource valuable and welcome any feedback you may have. For any questions, please reach out to us at or


BNSSG Joint Working with Pharmaceutical Industry Policy 

Policy for the Sponsorship of Activities by and Joint Working with the Pharmaceutical Industry


Healthier Together PSDs

Subcutaneous administration of insulin PSD for primary care/ Sirona use

Subcutaneous administration of insulin PSD for secondary care discharges

Authorisation for administration of medication PSD for primary care, Sirona, specialist prescribing of red drugs

Authorisation for administration of medication PSD for secondary care discharges


Medicines Storage and High Room Temperatures

Medicines Storage and High Room Temperatures


Medication Compliance Aids

BNSSG Compliance Aid Guidelines