REMEDY : BNSSG referral pathways & Joint Formulary

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Tissue Viability/Wound Care Service

Checked: 25-02-2025 by Vicky Ryan Next Review: 24-02-2027


The Sirona Wound Care Service lead on best practice patient centred care in the management and prevention of complex wounds. They provide care for adults 18 years old and over, registered with a GP in the Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire areas.

The specialist nurse’s support healthcare staff and patients with any type of wound that has been present for more than six weeks and is failing to heal, deteriorating or is a complex wound.

We offer joint assessments with community nurses within a patient's home, with practice nurses in their treatment room, and also within dedicated wound care clinics.

Following assessment a treatment plan is drawn up and shared with the practice nurse or community nurse, who will then undertake the care. Information is provided to the patient to enable them to understand their condition, become involved in their care and maximise their own potential to heal.

We also accept referrals for Negative Pressure Wound Therapy from the acute sector, and can utilise advanced wound healing therapies if required.

Support and education are provided to community health care professionals in all areas of Tissue Viability.


Prior to referral to the Wound Care Service, please ensure that the wound has been assessed in line with the Sirona Wound Management Guidelines v1.1. 

If treating a wound or condition on the lower limb, you should also refer to the Lower Limb and Compression Therapy Pathway (February 2025) - Sirona and the Lower Limb Guidelines. 

Please follow the Chronic Oedema Pathway where indicated, there is also a Chronic Oedema Supporting Document containing further information. 

You will find guidance on all available dressings in the Sirona Wound Management Guide & Dressing Formulary 2025 ,

Wound Care Service Referral Criteria

Tissue Viability / Wound Care Service Referral form 

This referral is to request specialist advice/guidance/assessment for complex/non healing wounds. If you're referring a patient for regular wound care visits, you need to contact SPA on 0300 1256789, as the Wound Care Service does not provide a dressings service and isn't an urgent service. At busy times, referrals can take up to a week to be triaged. 

Diabetic patients with foot wounds should be referred to the Podiatry service.

Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (NPWT) Referral for all areas

NPWT SOP  - process for discharging patients with NPWT into Sirona community service.

Please complete the Negative Pressure Wound Therapy Referral form

Wound Care Service - Dressings Order Form

How to download pathway to your phone

Wound Care Clinics


Wound care clinics are held in:

Knowle Clinic (monthly) Broadfield Road, Knowle, BS4 2UH

Shirehampton Health Centre (monthly) Pembroke Rd, Shirehampton, BS11 9SB

Fishponds Health Centre (monthly) Beechwood Road, Fishponds, Bristol, BS16 3TD

We can see patients in their home if necessary

North Somerset

Marina Health Centre (twice monthly) 2 Haven View, Portishead, BS20 7QA

We can see patients in their home if necessary

South Gloucestershire

Clinics are held in:

Cadbury Heath Healthcare (monthly) Parkwall Road, Barrs Court, Bristol, BS30 8HS

We can see patients in their home if necessary.

Contact details

For all 3 areas:

Email – 

Tel: 0117 9449 733


Pressure Injuries

NHS Choices - Information about pressure ulcers (pressure sores)

NHS Improvement 'Stop the Pressure' - Educational information for healthcare staff

Preventing Pressure Injuries - YouTube video

Patient Guide - Working together to prevent Pressure Injuries

Prevention of Pressure Injuries - Patient and Carer Information (Sirona)

Prevention and Treatment Protocol for Incontinence Associated Dermatitis (IAD) in Adults

Skin Observation Form (Sirona)

Mattress Selection Guide Made Easy v4 - Sirona

Green PROMPT Postcard 

Amber PROMPT Postcard

Red PROMPT Postcard

Waterlow Pressure Ulcer Prevention/ Treatment Policy


Leg Ulcers

Legs Matter

Guidance on Treatment of Lower Limb Wounds - Sirona

Lower Limb and Compression Therapy Pathway (February 2025) - Sirona

Medi Hosiery and Juxta Guide

Juxta Accessories (toe/ foot garments and liners):

Treating lower limb wounds with Medi compression following the NWCSP

Medi UK Contacts

Sirona Standard Operating Procedure for the use of Potassium Permanganate soaks

AHSN Network - patient information leaflets for managing compression in leg ulcers Available in 10 different languages.

Urgo StartPlus Sirona Information Poster

Wound Care Made Easy Guides

Cellulitis vs Venous Disease Made Easy - Sirona

Compression Garment Pathway Made Easy - Sirona

Varicose Eczema Made Easy- Sirona

Dry Varicose Eczema Made Easy - Sirona

Wet 'leaky' legs Made Easy- Sirona

Odematous Toes Made Easy - Sirona

Weeping Oedematous Toes Made Easy - Sirona

Moisture lesions Made Easy - Sirona

Choosing the right compression garment or device Made Easy - Sirona


Nursing Home Wound Care Guides

Nursing Home Guide to Managing Leg Ulcers

Nursing Home Guided to Managing Pressure Injuries

Nursing Home Guide to Managing Wounds


Other Information

Diabetes UK

Eating well for wound healing - Protein information

Keeping hydrated - household measures and pee chart

Fungating Malignant Wound Treatment Pathway

Efforts are made to ensure the accuracy and agreement of these guidelines, including any content uploaded, referred to or linked to from the system. However, BNSSG ICB cannot guarantee this. This guidance does not override the individual responsibility of healthcare professionals to make decisions appropriate to the circumstances of the individual patient, in consultation with the patient and/or guardian or carer, in accordance with the mental capacity act, and informed by the summary of product characteristics of any drugs they are considering. Practitioners are required to perform their duties in accordance with the law and their regulators and nothing in this guidance should be interpreted in a way that would be inconsistent with compliance with those duties.

Information provided through Remedy is continually updated so please be aware any printed copies may quickly become out of date.