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BNSSG Adult Joint Formulary

COVID-19 rapid evidence summaries

Last edited: 26-04-2024

COVID-19 rapid evidence summaries

Rapid evidence summaries on the interleukin-6inhibitors, sarilumab and tocilizumab, in the treatment of adults with COVID-19 have been replaced by NICE COVID-19 rapid guideline NG191
Sarilumab and tocilizumab are beneficial in adults with severe COVID‑19 who have either hypoxaemia with evidence of inflammation or are in the early stages of critical illness requiring respiratory support.   Benefit from these drugs may only be seen before or soon after organ support is started, when any developing organ dysfunction may be more reversible.  

New evidence on the effectiveness of COVID-19 treatments is being published at a rapid pace. Tocilizumab is now licensed as a treatment for adult patients hospitalised due to COVID-19 who are receiving systemic corticosteroids and require supplementary oxygen or mechanical ventilation.

See CAS alert and associated Interim Policy for details of eligibility and exclusion criteria here