REMEDY : BNSSG referral pathways & Joint Formulary

BNSSG Adult Joint Formulary
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Decisions 28th June 2017

At the meeting that took place on 28th June, the following decisions were agreed:


New Drug Requests



Budesonide foam enema (TLS blue)

  • For treatment of ulcerative proctatitis, left sided ulcerative colitis and left sided colonic Crohns disease.

Fiasp® Insulin (TLS red)

  • For management of diabetes in a select cohort of patients where post-prandial hyperglycaemia (PPH) is a particular problem, that is pregnant patients or those with T1DM on insulin pumps who are experiencing PPH on novorapid.

Ibandronic Acid (TLS red)

  • For hypercalcaemia of malignancy in patients with renal impairment (<30ml/min)

Cilodex® ear drops (TLS green)

  • For ear infections as per microbial sensitivities and post-surgery prophylaxis.


Shared Care Protocols/TLS change in status



Other items

Infanrix Hexa® (TLS green)

  • Scheduled childrens vaccinations have been changed. Infanrix hexa® is replacing Pediacel® and Infanrix® IPV + Hib.