REMEDY : BNSSG referral pathways & Joint Formulary

BNSSG Adult Joint Formulary
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Decisions 6th September 2016

At the meeting that took place on 6th September, the following decisions were agreed:


New Drug Requests



Liothyronine (TLS Red)

  • Agreed to be added as Red for dual therapy with levothyroxine only, when a more detailed patient pathway is proved.

Pramipexole (TLS Green)

  • Approved for inclusion onto the formulary for the treatment of restless legs syndrome. First line treatment. A pathway for use in primary care to be developed.

Ropinirole (TLS Blue)

  • Approved for inclusion onto the formulary for the treatment of restless legs syndrome. Second line treatment when pramipexole not appropriate or not tolerated. A pathway for use in primary care to be developed.

Azithromycin (TLS Red)

Approved for inclusion onto the formulary for the treatment of:

  • Trachomatous conjunctivitis caused by chlamydia trachomatis. To be used in addition to currently used systemic treatment
  • Purulent bacterial conjunctivitis in pregnant women and children
  • An alternative 3rd line treatment in purulent bacterial conjunctivitis in adults


Not approved


  • The JFG did not approve the addition of agomelatine onto the formulary at this current time - the increased cost of agomelatine over standard antidepressants without any superiority data limits in use. The JFG agreed to await the forthcoming NICE depression guidelines where its place in therapy would be clearly outlined.


More information required


  • The JFG clinically approved the inclusion onto the formulary for the children with neurodevelopmental disorder/disability with intrinsic sleep disorder (difficulty getting to sleep or remaining asleep).  However further costing work is required to outline potential cost pressures before the final decision to include can be made. 



Clonidine patches

  • For patients with secondary dystonia and dyskinesia, according to UHBristol treatment pathway for Medical management of dystonia.


Additional items

The 2015-2016 BNSSG JFG Year End Report

  • The JFG signed this off.