REMEDY : BNSSG referral pathways & Joint Formulary

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BNSSG Adult Joint Formulary

3.6 Respiratory depression, respiratory distress syndrome and apnoea

Last edited: 15-01-2024

First line drugs Second line drugs Specialist drugs Secondary care drugs


Respiratory stimulants

Doxapram (TLS Red)

  • Must be given under expert supervision and combined with active physiotherapy



Specific indication:

Mannitol (Osmohale®) capsules (TLS Blue)

  • NBT only as a diagnostic test for bronchial hyper responsiveness

Methacholine (Provocholine) powder for nebuliser solution (TLS Red)

  • Second line diagnostic bronchial provocation test, following either a negative mannitol test with a clinical suspicion of asthma or intolerance to mannitol.


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