REMEDY : BNSSG referral pathways & Joint Formulary

BNSSG Adult Joint Formulary
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Decisions 12th April 2016

At the meeting that took place on 12th April 2016, the following decisions were agreed:


New Drug Requests



Denosumab (TLS Red)

  • Approved for inclusion onto the formulary for the treatment of malignant hypercalcaemia resistant to bisphosphonates. 

Invicorp® (aviptadil & phentolamine) (TLS Blue)

  • Approved for inclusion onto the formulary for the treatment of erectile dysfunction

Apidra® (Insulin Glulisine) (TLS Green)

  • Approved for inclusion onto the formulary for patients who have experienced hypoglycaemia on Neutral Protamine Hagedorn (NPH) insulin or at very high risk of hypoglycaemia.


Not Approved


  • The JFG could not approve the addition to the formulary due to a lack of robust evidence supporting its use over EMLA® cream.


More information required

Clonidine patches (Paediatric)

  • The JFG acknowledged that the use of clonidine within the Bristol Children’s hospital is currently standard practice as 2nd/3rd line treatment of secondary dystonia or dyskinesia.  The JFG were concerned about the lack of evidence that supports the use of clonidine and in addition clonidine patches in this particular patient cohort. The JFG could not approve the addition of clonidine patches at this current time, however would welcome the applicant to submit the patient treatment pathway and also a robust method of continuing supply for patients when in the community outlining the costs involved.


Shared Care Protocols/TLS Change in Status


  • New SCP agreed for inclusion

Beclometasone (Clipper®)

  • Agreed for TLS change from red to green for patients with a secondary care diagnosis of ulcerative colitis.  


  • Updated SCP. 


  • Agreed for TLS change from red to amber no shared care. 

Methotrexate SCP (Dermatology)

  • New SCP agreed.  

Azathioprine SCP (Dermatology)

  • New SCP agreed.  

Donepezil, Memantine, Galantamine and Rivastigmine SCPs

  • Updated SPCs agreed.