REMEDY : BNSSG referral pathways & Joint Formulary

BNSSG Adult Joint Formulary
Home > Formulary : Adult > Chapters >

11. Eye

First line drugs Second line drugs Specialist drugs Secondary care drugs
Recommended in both primary and secondary care Alternatives (often in specific conditions) in both primary and secondary care Where a specialist input is needed (see introduction for definition) Prescribing principally within secondary care only

  • A preservative free option (or single unit dose drops) may be prescribed if available for all formulary products listed if clinically necessary, as an alternative option
  • Please ensure that all prescriptions for eye drops clearly state the number of drops, into which eye(s), and the frequency of administration


Unlicensed Specials

  • 5 Fluorouracil eye drops Eye Hospital use only (TLS Red)
  • Mitomycin C eye drops Eye Hospital use only (TLS Red)