Patients who have not been able to lose weight through advice and self care may be eligible for Tier 2 Weight Management Services.
These services currently vary across the BNSSG area but are summarised in the following BNSSG Policy (this policy is the CBA policy for tier 3 & 4 services but also summarises tier 1 - 4 services for Bristol, South Gloucestershire and North Somerset)
We have tried to summarise the local options below. Please be aware that local pathways may be subject to change.
Please also see the Digital Weight Management page on Remedy.
Patients should complete at Tier 2 Weight Management process before consideration of referral to Tier 3 & 4 Weight Management service unless BMI is 50 or over in which case direct referral to Tier 3 & 4 Service is allowable.
The NHS Digital Weight Management Programme supports adults living with obesity who also have a diagnosis of diabetes or hypertension or both, to manage their weight and improve their health. This 12-week online programme forms part of the Tier 2 Weight Management pathway for those patients who are eligible to access and who successfully complete this programme.
Beezee Maximus UK are currently running the Bristol adults’ and families’ programmes. All services are free.
1. Beezee Adults - self refer
Maximus UK offer a free healthy lifestyle programme known as Beezee Adults which is available to all. It is designed to help adults lose weight in a healthy way and keep it off for good. Patients can self refer via the website: Beezee Adults | Free Healthy Lifestyle Programme .
2. Beezee Live - required referral
For those at higher risk and fulfilling eligibility criteria below, there is a free 10–12-week virtual programme known as Beezee Live involving a weekly, 1 hour webinar with groups of adults. In addition, they offer the opportunity for 1-1 chats with nutritionists at the beginning, middle, and end of the programmes.
Eligibility criteria include BMI ≥25-40 (adjusted to 23 if of Black African, African-Caribbean and Asian origin)
Exclusion criteria - having a significant comorbidity or complex needs that may need specialist weight management, being pregnant, having a diagnosed eating disorder or bariatric surgery in the last 2 years.
Due to the very high demand for this service, please consider in the first instance if patient is eligible for the Gutless (Men’s programme) or Families programme (see information below).
Referrals to the Adults Beezee Live online programme currently need to be prioritised and we therefore ask that referrals are limited to patients from the following wards (which have been identified as having higher levels of excess weight).
For patients NOT living in these wards please direct to Beezee Adults | Free Healthy Lifestyle Programme
If you are unsure whether your patient falls under our inclusion or exclusion criteria, or you identify a clinical need, please refer and the Maximus team will contact the referrer or patient to explore how they might be able to support them.
[Further details and updates will be available in the new year]
How to refer
3. Men’s weight management - Gutless - self refer
For male patients consider signposting eligible patients to the Gutless program. See Gutless - Free Healthy Lifestyle Services | Bristol for details.
4. BeeZee Familes
Sign-ups are open NOW so families can secure their spot. Please find the link here for more information:
This presents an excellent opportunity for General Practitioners to refer families with children between 4 to 12 years old, ensuring they receive the care they need in a timely manner.
Eligibility for family service:
Families with children aged 4-12 with a BMI centile >95th (Children must be accompanied by a parent or carer. Plus, the whole family unit is welcome and encouraged to attend).
Exclusion criteria - having a significant comorbidity or complex needs that may need specialist weight management, being pregnant, having a diagnosed eating disorder or bariatric surgery in the last 2 years.
Please see Exercise on Referral page in the self care section of Remedy
UPDATE: From 31 March 2022, all tier 2 adult weight management support for South Gloucestershire residents will be offered through the One You SG service. For further information please refer to the services listed below.
To refer a patient for weight management support please complete the ‘South Glos Weight Management on Referral Form’ via EMIS. A patient can also self-refer by completing the One You Contact Form
If you have any questions related to this update, please contact Sarah Amos -
Healthy Weight Programme (adults)
Eligible South Gloucestershire patients can access a free 14-week programme delivered by the Active Lifestyle Centres. This includes an in-person 1:1 consultation followed by 5 group support sessions and access to all leisure facilities throughout the 14-week period.
Patients can be referred to the programme by the One You team, to refer a patient use the ‘South Glos Weight Management on Referral Form’ via EMIS.
If you have any questions relating to the Healthy Weight Programme (adults) please call 01454 865337 or email
An adult that meets the above criteria will also have the option to attend the Healthy Weight Programme for families, depending on their child's circumstances. Further information can be found on the Children's Remedy Weight Management page here
Also see the Better Health North Somerset page on Remedy.
The services currently commissioned are:
Slimming World – free 12 weeks via GP referral
The GP prints/emails the North Somerset Slimming World Referral Letter and gives to patient (Available as an EMIS template). The patient calls telephone number on the letter or uses the link / QR code provided to complete online registration. When the patient registers with Slimming World they will double check their eligibility, book them on to their preferred group for the first 12 weeks free of charge.
Eligibility - patients referred to the service must fulfil the following criteria to enter the scheme:
Person aged 16 years or more and resident in North Somerset with the following:
Those not suitable for referral include: person with diagnosed eating disorder, person with significant unmanaged co-morbidity / underlying medical cause for obesity which requires more intensive support, person is pregnant, person has severe/moderate frailty as recorded on a frailty register, person has had bariatric surgery in the last two years. Note: there is no upper BMI limit for the service as per Weight management: lifestyles services for overweight or obese adults NICE guidance
For further information about Slimming World patient referrals please contact the Slimming World referral team Tel: 01773 483247.
Healthy Lifestyles Advisors
This is a free service available those who are over 18, living in North Somerset or registered with a North Somerset GP practice.
The service provides tailored advice to help achieve health goals (weight loss, get active, eat well, liver health) including 1:1 and group support over a duration of 12 weeks.
Please see the website for additional information including information about how patients can self refer via the Self Refer Form, there is also a Practitioner Referral Form
The team can also be contacted by email on or telephone 01934 427661.
H.E.N (Health, Exercise, Nutrition in Pregnancy)
HEN takes place at Oldmixon Children’s Centre in Weston-super-Mare, and is delivered by Public Health Lifestyle Advisors and a Registered Midwife.
Eligibility criteria:
Please see for further information.
H.E.N (Health, Exercise, Nutrition Post Natal)
HEN Postnatal is a free healthy lifestyles course for mums who have given birth in the last year. The course offers weekly support for up to 12 weeks, to help mums feel better about themselves and focusses on:
The course is designed as a rolling programme so that mums can join at any time to start the 12 weeks of support, it is expected that participants attend at least 9 sessions within 12 weeks.
There is no body mass index (BMI) criteria to access the support but participants must live in North Somerset or be registered with a North Somerset GP practice and have a baby aged 0-12 months old.
To find out more email: or call 01934 426349.
Healthy You (previously called Choose 2 Lose)
12 weeks of free behaviour change support to improve healthy habits, focussed on healthy eating and exercise. Each session is interactive, lasts 90 minutes and covers different topics each week e.g. portion sizes, healthy food swaps, setting goals, taking part in physical activity, local support and signposting. At each session participants will have the opportunity to take part in 45 minutes of physical activity which will vary each week.
Eligibility criteria
Our target cohort is adults aged 18 years and above, living in North Somerset (or registered with a North Somerset GP practice) with a BMI ≥28 (adjusted to ≥25 in people of Black African, African-Caribbean and Asian origin and those living with comorbidities).
To get the most out of the course it is expected that participants attend at least 9 sessions (to include week 6 and week 12), those attending at least 9 of the 12 sessions will be eligible for two months free Legacy Leisure gym membership worth £88.
The service will focus on reaching higher risk groups, including adults living in areas of deprivation, BME groups, those with a disability and/or long-term health conditions.
Exclusion criteria
This programme is currently available at:
For further information visit: Healthy You
The Lose Weight webpage lists all of the weight management support available in North Somerset, please feel free to share this link with patients.
Additional Services
To find additional services within BNSSG please use your MiDoS Login: Login - MiDoS Admin - 2019 ( If you need your password resent, or be issued with one, please contact:
Efforts are made to ensure the accuracy and agreement of these guidelines, including any content uploaded, referred to or linked to from the system. However, BNSSG ICB cannot guarantee this. This guidance does not override the individual responsibility of healthcare professionals to make decisions appropriate to the circumstances of the individual patient, in consultation with the patient and/or guardian or carer, in accordance with the mental capacity act, and informed by the summary of product characteristics of any drugs they are considering. Practitioners are required to perform their duties in accordance with the law and their regulators and nothing in this guidance should be interpreted in a way that would be inconsistent with compliance with those duties.
Information provided through Remedy is continually updated so please be aware any printed copies may quickly become out of date.