REMEDY : BNSSG referral pathways & Joint Formulary

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Back Pack - NBT & WGH

Checked: 23-05-2019 by Vicky Ryan Next Review: 23-12-2023

Description of service

This is a 5 week group programme, run by a physiotherapist and psychologist, particularly appropriate for chronic/recurrent back pain with high psychosocial risk factors (which can be measured by tools such as StartBack). Please give this patient info leaflet (prints correctly as a booklet) before referral to help you both decide if they would benefit from a referral.

Back Pack is run by the pain team at NBT (with sessions also delivered at Weston General Hospital)


Who to refer: See information for clinicians for full criteria

Inclusion criteria 

  1. Low back / thoracic / neck pain over 3 months duration or with regular relapsing-remitting pattern. This is inclusive of cause ie. radicular pain, structural; provided it does not fall within exclusion criteria above.
  2. Start Back Tool- moderate / high score (4-9) – to be used as a clinical guide.
  3. Psychosocial risk factors present; psychological wellbeing impacted. This includes low mood, depression, anxiety, stress and distress.
  4. Abnormal health beliefs ie. hurt = harm, pain = damage.
  5. High initial pain levels and distress.
  6. Individual struggling to maintain work / reduced hours / on lighter duties / struggling with sickness / off work. Distress and dissatisfaction surrounding work issues.

How to refer:

Southmead: Refer via eRS using the Back Pack Referral Form. Referrals should also include a completed STarT Back Screening Tool.

Weston: Refer to WGH Physio on eRS and mention Back Pack in the referral letter. All referral for low back pain must include a completed STarT Back Screening Tool

Referral contact details

see website for full details