REMEDY : BNSSG referral pathways & Joint Formulary

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Back Pack - NBT

Checked: 21-01-2025 by Vicky Ryan Next Review: 20-01-2027

Description of service

This is a 6 week group programme, run by a physiotherapist and psychologist, particularly appropriate for chronic/recurrent back pain with high psychosocial risk factors (which can be measured by tools such as StartBack). Please give this patient info leaflet (prints correctly as a booklet) before referral to help you both decide if they would benefit from a referral.

Back Pack is run by the pain service at NBT. It has an in-person service at Cossham hospital and a remote service.


Who to refer: See BackPack referral criteria for full details

Inclusion criteria 

  1. Low back / thoracic / neck pain over 3 months duration, constant or relapsing-remitting pattern. This is inclusive of cause i.e.. Radicular pain, structural; provided it does not fall within exclusion criteria below.
  2. Psychosocial risk factors present; psychological wellbeing impacted. This includes low mood, depression, anxiety, stress, and distress provided it does not fall with exclusion criteria below
  3. Individuals may not be at previous level of function and avoiding some previous activities i.e.. exercise / hobbies. Lack of confidence in activity present.
  4. Work issues- Struggling to maintain work / reduced hours / on lighter duties / struggling with sickness / off work. Distress and dissatisfaction surrounding work issues.

How to refer:

Southmead: Refer via eRS using the Back Pack Referral Form. Referrals should also include a completed STarT Back Screening Tool.

Referral contact details

see website for full details