REMEDY : BNSSG referral pathways & Joint Formulary

BNSSG Paediatric Joint Formulary
Home > Formulary : Paediatric > Recent Decisions > 2023 >

Decisions 27th June 2023

New Drug Requests


Itulazax (Standardised allergen extract of pollen from white birch [Betula verrucosa]) (TLS Red)

  • For treatment of moderate-to-severe allergic rhinitis and/or conjunctivitis induced by pollen from the birch homologous group for use by the specialist allergy team.


Shared Care Protocols

  • Nil


Traffic Light Status Change Requests

  • Flunarizine for migraine prophylaxis was changed from TLS Amber to TLS Red


Other Formulary Decisions

  • The BNSSG SCP Review Process was approved

  • Use of CareSens Pro testing strips was approved to replace MyLife Aveo testing strips


Further Work

  • Nil