REMEDY : BNSSG referral pathways & Joint Formulary

BNSSG Paediatric Joint Formulary
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Tuesday 8th December 2020

Decisions 8th December 2020

At the meeting on the 8th December the following decisions were agreed


New Drug Requests


Silicone Gel (TLS Amber, no SCP)

  • for burns patients who have had treatment initiated by the Scar management clinic (BRCH) and remain under their care and regular review

Shared Care Protocols/TLS changes

New Shared Care Protocol for Digoxin

Other Paediatric Formulary decisions

Following a review of the Endocrine chapter, the following changes have been made:

Demeclocycline changed from TLS Amber to TLS Red

Hydrocortisone (parenteral) changed from TLS Red to TLS Green

Hydrocortisone sodium succinate (solucortef) formulation added as TLS Green

Humalog 100units/ml kwikpen formulation added

Humulin I and Humulin S removed from formulary as not used at BCH for paediatric patients

Humulin R pre-filled pens added as formulation available (TLS Red)

Removal of Insuman products that are discontinued

Novorapid pumpcart for use with insulin pump

Tresiba 100 units/ml- removal of restricted indication for ‘type 1 diabetic patients who have failed on insulin glargine and who are not suitable or failed on insulin pump therapy'

Tresiba 200 units/ml- also an option for insulin resistant Type 1 diabetic patients

Pen needles- BD Viva 4mm needles are preference for the paediatric diabetes team.

BD Autoshield Duo needles are safety pen needle of preference for the paediatric diabetes team.

Glucozade removed

Lanreotide and Octreotide added (TLS Red)

Tostran gel brand added (TLS Amber)

Removal of testosterone capsules (Striant SR) and implants - not used by BCH

Pegvisomant (TLS Red)

Remove Leuprorelin (Prostap) as not used by BCH

Other suggestions and comments were made which may result in future new drug requests or traffic light status changes following submission of paperwork.