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BNSSG Paediatric Joint Formulary

9.10 Vitamin deficiency

Last edited: 14-02-2024

9.10 Vitamin deficiency

First line drugs Second line drugs Specialist drugs Secondary care drugs



Multivitamin tablets (TLS Green)


Abidec® / Dalivit® (TLS Blue)

  • N.B. Abidec® & Dalivit® are not complete multivitamin preparations. They contain no vitamin E and only small amounts of vitamins A, B, C and D. They also do not contain any minerals
  • Abidec® contains arachis (peanut) oil

Specific indications:

Renavit® (TLS Blue)

  • Nutritional Supplement for Haemodialysis or Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis. See Adult BNSSG Prescribing Guidance for general information regarding product
  • Renavit® contains gelatin. Please be aware that patients may not wish to consume gelatin for cultural reasons

Forceval Junior Soluble® (TLS Green)

Forceval® Capsules (TLS Green)

  • For 12 years old and over

Forceval® (TLS Blue)

  • Refeeding syndrome >12 years

Paravit® (TLS Amber Specialist Recommended)

  • For use in cystic fibrosis


Vitamin A

Vitamin A (TLS Amber Specialist Recommended)

Vitamin A+D (TLS Amber Specialist Recommended)

  • For use in cystic fibrosis


Vitamin B Group

Thiamine (oral) (TLS Green)

Pyridoxine (oral) (TLS Green)

Riboflavin (oral) (TLS Amber)


Vitamin C

Ascorbic acid (oral & parenteral) (TLS Green)


Vitamin D 

Link to Paediatric vitamin D guidelines

Alfacalcidol capsules / drops (TLS Amber Specialist Recommended)

  • Not for the treatment of Vitamin D deficiency


Calcitriol (capsules) (TLS Green)

Alfacalcidol (parenteral) (TLS Red)

Specific Indication:

Calcitriol (parenteral) (TLS Red)

  • For Renal and Haematology teams only

Colecalciferol (oral) (TLS Green)

  • For the prevention and treatment of vitamin D deficiency
  • As an adjunct to specific therapy for osteoporosis in patients with vitamin D deficiency or at risk of vitamin D insufficiency
  • A range of licensed formulations are available. Consult product literature for licensed doses as necessary
  • Many products contain bovine gelatine, which may or not be certified Halal or Kosher. Other products contain Arachis (peanut) oil. Consult product literature as necessary

Colecalciferol / Calcium (oral) (TLS Green)

  • For the prevention and treatment of calcium, and vitamin D deficiency
  • As an adjunct to specific therapy for osteoporosis in patients at risk of vitamin D and calcium combined insufficiencies
  • A range of licensed formulations are available. Consult product literature for licensed doses as necessary
  • Many products contain bovine gelatine, which may or not be certified Halal or Kosher. Consult product literature as necessary

Ergocalciferol (parenteral) (TLS Red)


Vitamin E

Alpha tocopheryl acetate capsules/suspension (TLS Green)

  • N.B. tablets are unlicensed and therefore are considerably more expensive than the suspension


Vitamin K

Menadiol sodium phosphate tablets (TLS Green)

Phytomenadione (oral & parenteral) (TLS Green)


9.10.2 Neural tube defects

Folic acid (TLS Green)