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BNSSG Paediatric Joint Formulary
3.2 Allergic conditions
Last edited: 15-04-2024
3.2 Allergic conditions
First line drugs |
Second line drugs |
Specialist drugs |
Secondary care drugs |
Cetirizine (TLS Green)
Chlorphenamine (TLS Green)
Loratadine (TLS Green)
Fexofenadine (TLS Blue)
Specific indications:
Promethazine (TLS Blue)
Hydroxyzine (TLS Green)
Allergen Immunotherapy
Refer to Immunology
Bee and Wasp Allergen Extracts
Alutard® (TLS Red)
- Hypersensitivity to wasp or bee venom only
Grass and Tree Pollen Extracts
Specific Indications: (TLS Red)
Pollinex Quattro® (TLS Red)
Grazax® (TLS Red)
Grass, Tree Pollen and House Dust mite Extracts
OralVac® (TLS Red)
Acarizax (oral) (TLS Red)
- For adolescents and adults with severe rhinitis or house dust mite allergic asthma
Birch Pollen Extract
Itulazax (Standardised allergen extract of pollen from white birch [Betula verrucosa]) (TLS Red)
Peanut Allergy
Palforzia (TLS Red)
- NICE TA769 Palforzia for treating peanut allergy in children and young people
Allergic Emergencies
See BNSSG Remedy Adrenaline Auto-Injectors page for further information from UHBW Children's hospital
Recommended: (TLS Green)
Adrenaline (epinephrine) 1 in 1000 (1mg/mL) (TLS Green)
For self-administration using pre-filled adrenaline auto-injectors (pens), brands include Epipen®, Jext® and Emerade® (note: in May 2023 a National Patient Safety Alert (NatPSA) Class 1 Medicines Recall Notification was published recalling Emerade 500 micrograms and Emerade 300 micrograms auto-injectors, due to the potential for device failure, NatPSA/2023/004/MHRA)
Adrenaline (epinephrine) 1 in 10,000 (100micrograms/mL) (TLS Green) IV
Chlorphenamine (parenteral) (TLS Green)
Hydrocortisone sodium succinate (parenteral) (TLS Green)
3.2.1 Angioedema
C1-esterase inhibitor (Berinert®) (TLS Red)
Respiratory Stimulants
Doxapram (TLS Red)