REMEDY : BNSSG referral pathways & Joint Formulary

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BNSSG Paediatric Joint Formulary

1.3 Diarrhoea

Last edited: 31-01-2024

1.3 Diarrhoea

First line drugs Second line drugs Specialist drugs Secondary care drugs


Acute Diarrhoea

BNFc Acute diarrhoea

See section chapter 9 for oral rehydration preparations


Colestyramine (TLS Red)

  • For acute use post-op
  • Indicated in children post- ileostomy, or ileal resection and those with itching due to biliary obstruction

Colestyramine (TLS Amber Specialist Recommended)

  • Amber if ongoing management required


Antimotility Drugs


Loperamide capsules (TLS Green)

Specific indication:

Loperamide liquid / tablets (TLS Blue)

  • For swallowing difficulties