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Decisions 28th January 2025
The following decisions were made at the Joint Formulary Group meeting held on Tuesday 28th January:
New Drug Requests
Indocyanine Green Dye (TLS Red)
Approved as a diagnostic tool for imaging in surgery as per trust protocols
Shared Care Protocols
Dopamine agonists (Cabergoline, Bromocriptine and Quinagolide) shared care protocol updated.
Note: the updated SCP includes the addition of Quinagolide, therefore the traffic light status of Quinagolide now changed from TLS Red to Amber 3 months with the shared care protocol as agreed at a previous JFG meeting.
Adult ADHD medications (Methylphenidate, Atomoxetine, Dexamfetamine and Lisdexamfetamine) shared care protocols updated.
Note: the updated adult ADHD SCPs are on new national SCP templates. Monitoring is in line with BNSSG specialist ADHD medicines monitoring LES.
Other discussions/decisions
"Mesalazine Prescribing Guidance" approved
Cyanocobalamin injection has been discontinued. Formulary listing for cyanocobalamin amended to reflect oral tablets are the only formulation currently available.
Potassium Chloride oral solution remains on the Adults formulary as TLS Blue following the discontinuation of Kay-Cee-L syrup noting this is unlicensed. Sando K effervescent tablets remain first line, however note that for patients requiring doses of less than 12mmol of potassium, part dosing of Sando-K effervescent tablets is not routinely recommended, but can be done if unlicensed specials are not available. For further information see the NPSA Alert here.
Discussion on testosterone gel/menopause specialist reopened to address primary care monitoring and funding. Further work to continue outside the Joint Formulary Group.
- Sumatriptan for cluster headaches - clarification on TLS of the available formulations. Sumatriptan (subcutaneous) is TLS green and Sumatriptan (intranasal) (off-label) is TLS blue.