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Decisions 8th December 2020
Decisions 8th December 2020
At the meeting on the 8th December the following decisions were agreed
New Drug Requests
Caphosol® mouthwash (TLS Red)
- for patients undergoing bone marrow transplant treatment and haematology patients on multiple drug regimens that include high dose methotrexate.
Netupitant 300mg/Palonosetron 0.5mg (Akynzeo®) (TLS Red)
- for haematology and oncology patients receiving highly emetogenic chemotherapy or those who have experienced breakthrough nausea and vomiting on a moderately emetogenic chemotherapy protocol despite optimal antiemetic therapy.
Levosert® (TLS Green)
- in line with licensed indications, for contraception and management of heavy menstrual bleeding, but not for endometrial protection during oestrogen replacement therapy.
Semaglutide (oral) (TLS Amber, no SCP)
- to be initiated on advice from a diabetes specialist clinician, reserved for patients who are unable to self-administer an injectable GLP1 formulation or where the patient is refusing to consider an injectable therapy due to needle phobia, despite involvement of health care professionals.
- the current injectable Semaglutide will remain first line semaglutide of choice on the BNSSG formulary.
Silicone Gel (TLS Amber, no SCP)
- for burns patients who have had treatment initiated by the Scar management service (NBT) and remain under their care and regular review
Shared Care Protocols/TLS changes
Other Formulary Decisions:
Buprenorphine prolonged release injection (Buvidal®)
- to be approved to the formulary for use as part of a pilot study for the specified number of patients included in the application. Approval to the formulary is on the condition of an appropriate service delivery model being in place for Buvidal administration first. Applicants must make the necessary arrangements prior to initiating Buvidal.