REMEDY : BNSSG referral pathways & Joint Formulary

BNSSG Adult Joint Formulary
Home > Formulary : Adult > Recent Decisions > 2018 >

Decisions 27th November 2018

At the meeting on the 27th November the following decisions were agreed:


New Drug Requests



Melatonin (amber 3 months)

  • Approved for adults with Learning Disabilities with co-morbid mental illness or with sleep disturbances pending an amended SCP


  • Approved for the management of corneal wound healing on the eye


Further work needed


  • The group agreed that further work was needed before it could be added onto the Formulary for drooling in Parkinson's disease patient's

Botulinum toxin

  • The group agreed that further work was needed before it could be added onto the Formulary for drooling in Parkinson's disease and Motor Neurone Disease


  • The group felt there were questions that needed answering before a decision could be made for the use of melatonin for REM Sleep Behaviour Disorder.  Unfortunately the applicant was unable to attend.  The application will be discussed in April.


Not approved


  • Not approved for Delayed Sleep-Wake Phase Disorder

Adex gel

  • Not approved for vascular eczema and psoriasis


Shared Care Protocols/TLS Status

  •  Appeal for change of TLS from amber to green for Dymista® approved.