REMEDY : BNSSG referral pathways & Joint Formulary

BNSSG Adult Joint Formulary
Home > Formulary : Adult > Recent Decisions > 2017 >

Decisions 4th April 2017

At the meeting that took place on 4th April, the following decisions were agreed:


New Drug Requests




Actilyse® (alteplase)

  • For use in blocked haemodialysis catheters


Further Information required


  • Further information about the intended cohort is required.


Shared Care Protocols/TLS Change in Status

Tetracosactide 250mcg Injection TLS change Red to Amber

  • TLS to remain Red

Fosfomycin TLS change Amber (No SCP) to Green

  • Agreed for type 1 penicillin allergic patients

Melatonin for specialist paediatric population

  • Proposed SCP reviewed, further cohort definition required


  • Proposed SCP reviewed, clarification of monitoring responsibilities and changes to contract to reflect changes inactivity required

Testosterone Injection

  • Paediatric for Constitutional Delay of Growth and Puberty. SCP reviewed, to be reviewed by Paediatric Joint Formulary Group.
  • Further information about impact on primary care required

Ticagrelor SCP update

  • Updated to reflect TA420