REMEDY : BNSSG referral pathways & Joint Formulary

BNSSG Adult Joint Formulary
Home > Formulary : Adult > Recent Decisions > 2015 >

Decisions 21st April 2015

At the meeting that took place on 21st April, the following decisions were agreed:


New Drug Requests



Sterculia and Frangula (Normacol Plus®) (TLS Bue)

  • Approved for inclusion onto the formulary

Aclidinium and formoterol (Duaklir Genuair®) (TLS Blue)

  • Approved for inclusion onto the formulary.


Shared Care Protocols/TLS Change in Status


  • The JFG agreed for the TLS change to amber 3 months. A SCP will need to be developed across BNSSG before the change is implemented in the formulary.


  • Agreed for the TLS to change to TLS amber (specialist recommendation, no SCP). A GP may prescribe after recommendation from a microbiologist. 


  • Agreed for the restrictions to be removed so it maybe prescribed in line with antibiotic guidance.

Rheumatology SCPs

  • Updated SCPs agreed.


  • Agreed for the TLS to change to amber (specialist recommendation, no SCP)


  • Agreed for the TLS to change to amber (specialist recommendation, no SCP)


  • Agreed for the TLS to change to amber (specialist recommendation, no SCP)


Other decisions


A review of the current prescribing was presented.  The JFG agreed for linaclotide to remain formulary and to remain amber 1 month currently.


Overactive Bladder drugs review

A public health review of the literature was presented.  It was agreed for this to be disseminated further and for the plan to work on and agree a BNSSG OAB treatment pathway.


These changes are to be made to the formulary website shortly.