REMEDY : BNSSG referral pathways & Joint Formulary

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BNSSG Adult Joint Formulary

7.5 Obstetrics

Last edited: 01-02-2024

7.5.1 Induction of labour

First line drugs Second line drugs Specialist drugs Secondary care drugs


Dinoprostone vaginal tablet & vaginal gel (Prostin E2®) (TLS Red)

Oxytocin (parenteral) (TLS Red)

Specific indication:

Dinoprostone pessaries (Propess®) (TLS Red)

Misoprostol (oral) (TLS Red)

  • Including patients with intrauterine foetal death


7.5.2 Postpartum haemorrhage

Ergometrine (TLS Red)

Oxytocin (TLS Red)

Oxytocin / Ergometrine (Syntometrine®) (TLS Red)

Carboprost (TLS Red)

Carbetocin (TLS Red)

Fibryga® (Human Fibrinogen) (TLS Red)


7.5.3 Premature labour

Nifedipine (unlicensed) (TLS Red)

Atosiban (TLS Red)


Terbutaline (unlicensed) (TLS Blue)

Terbutaline – also used first line in emergency situations (TLS Red)

Magnesium sulfate (unlicensed indications) (TLS Red)

  • Prevention of seizures in pre-eclampsia
  • Treatment of seizures and prevention of seizure recurrence on eclampsia

Progesterone pessaries (Cyclogest®) (TLS Red)

  • During IVF treatment and threatened pre-term labour


7.5.4 Termination of Pregnancy

Gemeprost pessary (TLS Red)

Mifepristone (TLS Red)


7.5.5 Threatened miscarriage

Vaginal micronised progesterone (Cyclogest pessaries) TLS Red

  • For women with symptoms of vaginal bleeding, with an intrauterine pregnancy confirmed by ultrasound scan who have a history of miscarriage in line with NICE NG126



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