REMEDY : BNSSG referral pathways & Joint Formulary

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BNSSG Adult Joint Formulary

5.5 Protozoal infection

Last edited: 01-02-2024

First line drugs Second line drugs Specialist drugs Secondary care drugs

5.5.2 Malaria

Drugs for malaria prophylaxis are not prescribable on the NHS

Recommended: (TLS Green)

Quinine (oral)


Artemether / Lumefantrine (oral) (Riamet®) (TLS Red)

  • Secondary care restricted, see local guidelines

Artesunate (parenteral) (unlicensed) (TLS Red)

Chloroquine (oral) (TLS Red)

  • Please note, Chloroquine is not licensed for treatment of COVID-19. Clinical trials are still ongoing. Please click here for MHRA alert

Proguanil hydrochloride (oral) (TLS Red)

Proguanil hydrochloride / Atovaquone (oral) (Malarone®) (TLS Red)

Mefloquine (oral) (TLS Red)

  • Secondary care restricted, see local guidelines

Primaquine (oral) (unlicensed) (TLS Red)

Pyrimethamine (oral) (TLS Red)

Pyrimethamine / Sulfadoxine (oral) (unlicensed) (Fansidar®) (TLS Red)


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