REMEDY : BNSSG referral pathways & Joint Formulary

BNSSG Adult Joint Formulary
Home > Formulary : Adult > Chapters >

16. Palliative Care

First line drugs Second line drugs Specialist drugs Secondary care drugs
Recommended in both primary and secondary care Alternatives (often in specific conditions) in both primary and secondary care Where a specialist input is needed (see introduction for definition) Prescribing principally within secondary care only


  • There is information at the beginning of the BNF on prescribing in palliative care and St Peter's Hospice Guidelines for the management of pain due to cancer in adults for advice on clinical management.
  • Several recommendations in this chapter involve the use of medications outside of their product license i.e. ‘off-label'. This increases the prescriber's responsibility. Please contact Pharmacy for further information.
  • Please see St Peter's Hospice website for more local information here


BNSSG Community Pharmacy Specialist Medicines LES

A number of pharmacies across BNSSG are providing the local enhanced service for the 'Availability of Specialist Medicines'. By providing this, pharmacies are required to ensure that the specialist medicines are available at all times during their opening hours and on any bank or public holidays on which they open.
Pharmacies currently providing the service can be found here and the medication they hold can be found here. Please note the medication list may need to be revised as guidance and/or availability of medicines changes.
It is advised to always ring the pharmacy to check current stock and opening times or consult Find a Pharmacy - NHS for opening times.