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BNSSG Adult Joint Formulary
15.1 General Anaesthesia
Last edited: 02-09-2024
First line drugs |
Second line drugs |
Specialist drugs |
Secondary care drugs |
Anaesthetics (General, intravenous)
Propofol 1% (10mg/mL) (TLS Red)
Etomidate (TLS Red)
Thiopental sodium (TLS Red)
Specific Indications: (TLS Red)
Propofol 2% (20mg/mL)
Anaesthetics (Volatile liquid)
Nitrous oxide (TLS Red)
Volatile halogenated anaesthetics
Isoflurane (TLS Red)
Sevoflurane (TLS Red)
15.1.1 Anaesthetic adjuvants
Atropine (TLS Green)
Glycopyrronium (TLS Red)
Please see 12.3 Oropharynx for further information on Glycopyrronium for hypersalivation
15.1.2 Malignant hyperthermia
Dantrolene (TLS Red)
15.1.3 Neuromuscular blockade
Neuromuscular blocking drugs (Depolarising)
Suxamethonium (TLS Red)
Neuromuscular blocking drugs (Non-Depolarising)
Atracurium (TLS Red)
Mivacurium (TLS Red)
Pancuronium (TLS Red)
Rocuronium (TLS Red)
Vecuronium (TLS Red)
Cisatracurium (TLS Red)
15.1.4 Neuromuscular blockade reversal
Anticholinesterases used in Anaesthesia
Neostigmine (TLS Red)
Neostigmine / Glycopyrronium (TLS Red)
Sugammadex (TLS Red)
15.1.5 Perioperative analgesia
Non-opioid Analgesics
Diclofenac injection (TLS Green)
Paracetamol injection (TLS Green)
Parecoxib (TLS Red)
Ketorolac injection (TLS Red)
Alfentanil (TLS Red*)
Fentanyl (TLS Red*)
Morphine (TLS Red*)
*Except for use in palliative care
Specific Indication:
Remifentanil (TLS Red)
- Remifentanil is normally only indicated where cardiovascular stability is critically important or rapid recovery forms an integral part of the surgical procedure
Volatile Halogenated Ethers
Methoxyflurane (inhaled) (Penthrox®) (TLS Red)
- For acute pain relief for burns dressing changes reserved for patients where short and medium acting analgesia has not provided adequate pain relief
Methoxyflurane (inhaled) (Penthrox®) (TLS Red)
- For acute pain relief of moderate to severe pain for use in the emergency department, Urgent Treatment Centres and Minor Injury Units
Methoxyflurane (inhaled) (Penthrox®) (TLS Red)
- Adjunct for moderate to severe pain for women undergoing ambulatory gynaecology procedures
Methoxyflurane (inhaled) (Penthrox®) (TLS Red)
- For pain relief for brachytherapy applicator removal and pre-radiotherapy rectal spacer insertion
Methoxyflurane (inhaled) (Penthrox®) (TLS Red)
- For pain relief for painful dressings changes for patients with painful leg ulcers who require rapid onset analgesia for a short duration
15.1.6 Perioperative sedation
Dexmedetomidine (TLS Red)
- For those patients failing to wean from invasive ventilation with traditional management due to agitation. UHB and Weston only
- For use during awake craniotomy. NBT only
- For use in Paediatric intensive care for use in long stay patients who are experiencing difficult sedation, particularly those with life threatening pulmonary hypertension or intractable withdrawal from sedation/analgesic drugs
- For sedation during awake fibre-optic intubation for patients with opioid dependence or who are at higher risk of respiratory depression, hypoxia and over-sedation
Ketamine (TLS Red)
- Some preparations are unlicensed
Antagonists for central and respiratory depression
Flumazenil (TLS Green)
Naloxone (TLS Green)
Diazepam (TLS Green)
Lorazepam (TLS Green)
Midazolam (TLS Green)
Temazepam (TLS Green)
- The use of high strength midazolam (5mg/mL, in 2mL and 10mL ampoules, or 2mg/mL in 5mL ampoules) should be restricted to general anaesthesia, intensive care, palliative care or other situations where the risk has been assessed. It is advised that flumazenil is available when midazolam is used to reverse the effects if necessary.
Specific indication:
Midazolam 40mg/mL / Lignocaine 20mg/mL nasal solution (TLS Red)
- For use in adult patients when cannulation cannot be achieved due to patient phobia, learning difficulties (LD), or another disability and/or when inhalation sedation with nitrous oxide does not provide sufficient relaxation or the patient has been assessed as being too anxious for this to be successful. UNLICENSED
(Midazolam and Lignocaine)
Clonidine (TLS Red)
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