National resources and information for young people and parents/carers:
How do families apply for a card?
Weight management services across BNSSG are commissioned by local councils (tier 1 and 2). Funding for these services is often limited.
The sections below describe what is available in each council area but please be aware that these services may change or have restricted places.
If a child has specific needs and criteria are met, then the COCO clinic at the Bristol Children's Hospital may be an option for some children and offers tier 3/4 services. Generally children should have received tier 1 or tier 2 support prior to referral although there may be exceptions if these services are not available.
In addition to the national resources above the following services are also available:
BeeZee Families (for children and families)
Beezee Maximus UK are currently running the Bristol Beezee Families healthy lifestyle programme for the whole family.
For families fulfilling the eligibility criteria below, there is a free 10-12 week virtual programme known as Beezee Families involving a weekly, 1 hour webinar with groups of families. In addition, they offer the opportunity for 1-1 chats with nutritionists at the beginning, middle, and end of the programmes.
Referrals are accepted from all Bristol-based GP surgeries.
Eligibility criteria for families service, include families with children aged 4-12 with a BMI centile >95th (Children must be accompanied by a parent or carer. Plus, the whole family unit is welcome and encouraged to attend).
Exclusion criteria - having a significant comorbidity or complex needs that may need specialist weight management, being pregnant, having a diagnosed eating disorder or bariatric surgery in the last 2 years.
Unsure if your patient falls under our inclusion or exclusion criteria? Please still refer and we will contact yourself or the patient to explore how we might be able to support them.
How to refer
Patient information and self referral
FREE Beezee Families healthy lifestyle programmes are available to help families to build healthy habits around food and physical activity. Patients can sign-up online. Please find the link here for more information:
This programme is no longer available. There were not enough referrals to make it sustainable (28/09/23)
Eligible South Gloucestershire families can access a free 12-week programme delivered by the Active Lifestyle Centres. The includes 12 weekly family sessions which provides support around physical activity, healthier eating and emotional wellbeing, as well as access to 12 family physical activities such as swimming, badminton, table tennis.
Families can be referred to the programme by the One You team, to refer a family use the ‘South Glos Weight Management on Referral Form’ via EMIS.
If you have any questions relating to the Healthy Weight Programme (families) please call 01454 865337 or email
Tier 1
In addition to the national resources above, in North Somerset we have the following:
Lots of health and wellbeing information is available on our Better Health North Somerset website: Here for your Health and Wellbeing | Better Health North Somerset (
Healthy families – healthy pregnancy, healthy baby, healthy child, healthy parenting
Healthy child – healthy start, early years nutrition, budget recipes, healthy packed lunch ideas, toothbrushing, children’s centres
Active Under 18s | Better Health North Somerset (
In addition to the information above, instructions on the option to request free home delivery of child vitamin drops and women’s tablets are available on the Better Health webpage.
Any questions, or for leaflets and posters for Healthy Start please contact
Tier 2
A children/young people/families service is under development for North Somerset. It will be possible for stakeholders to input views as part of the consultation which will be shared in 2024.
Please see the COCO Clinic page for details of the Tier 3 and 4 service at the Children's Hospital.
Efforts are made to ensure the accuracy and agreement of these guidelines, including any content uploaded, referred to or linked to from the system. However, BNSSG ICB cannot guarantee this. This guidance does not override the individual responsibility of healthcare professionals to make decisions appropriate to the circumstances of the individual patient, in consultation with the patient and/or guardian or carer, in accordance with the mental capacity act, and informed by the summary of product characteristics of any drugs they are considering. Practitioners are required to perform their duties in accordance with the law and their regulators and nothing in this guidance should be interpreted in a way that would be inconsistent with compliance with those duties.
Information provided through Remedy is continually updated so please be aware any printed copies may quickly become out of date.