REMEDY : BNSSG referral pathways & Joint Formulary

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Infection Sciences Test Sample Quick Guide

Checked: 06-09-2024 by Vicky Ryan Next Review: 06-09-2026


Please see this quick reference guide for commonly sent samples from primary care. This guide applies to all infection samples sent from primary care in BNSSG. The samples are all processed at NBT.

As part of Infection sciences commitment to improve patient care and environmental sustainability we are reducing rejected specimens. Many rejected specimens are due to incorrect specimen container. This could result in a delay in diagnosis and treatment for patients and leads to unnecessary waste and transport costs.

Sending samples

Please ensure samples are submitted with the following:

  • Correct identifiers - All samples should be correctly identified with NHS Number/Hospital Number, DoB, Name and site of sampling or specimen type.
  • Clinical details - clinical details should be provided including any history of FOREIGN TRAVEL*, antimicrobial therapy, date and duration of illness.
  • Risks - possible risks should be included on all requests (including foreign travel) irrespective of test requested. This information is essential to ensure that the correct laboratory precautions are undertaken when processing specimens.
  • *Foreign Travel - please include details of foreign travel even if not prompted to do so. This is because there have been a number of incidents over the years where specimens have been processed with the incorrect safety precautions resulting in the lab staff being at risk.
  • Bags - Ideally samples should be sent in the correctly coloured bags - Blue for infection sciences. This helps to ensure specimens get to the correct lab. Please ensure samples and bags are not leaking.
  • Barcode labels - For electronically requested specimens attach barcode labels over the tube label, with top of the barcode placed directly below the tube lid. See example below



Viral Nose and Throat Swabs/Vesicles/Eyes/Genital lesions/M pox



Any of the following tubes may be used

Red top Copan tube

Purple top Copan tube

White top Copan tube

Green top Copan

Urine MC&S if >2mls


Boric Acid container

Olive Green/Red

Urine MC&S if < 2mls

ie paediatric samples


White top universal containers NB if sample is >2mls this will be rejected by the laboratory

Bordatella Pertussis Pernasal Swab for PCR/ MC&S


Orange lidded minitip sigma transwabs 

Please UKHSA for advice of testing Pertussis: guidelines for public health management - GOV.UK (

Bordatella Pertussis Pernasal Swab for PCR only


green top swab orange and purple

Please UKHSA for advice of testing Pertussis: guidelines for public health management - GOV.UK (

Swab for bacterial/candida culture 

ears/eyes/wounds/ nose/ throat/ high vaginal/lower vaginal/cervical/self taken 

(for Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea  and Trichomonas NAATS send APTIMA tube)


purple top liquid swab

Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea and( Trichomonas by special request only)NAATS swab Vaginal/Eye


Aptima  (use Vaginal) Swab

Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea 

NAATS urine 


preferred sample for males



Bacterial PCR Giardia and Cryptosporidium

C difficile PCR

Viral Gastroenteritis and Norovirus PCR

Ova cysts and parasites (OCP)

H pylori antigen


blue topped with a scoop

minimum ⅓ full

ideally separate samples for each ICE request sticker

If sending for OCP send 3 samples post dated request with different days otherwise these will be rejected by the lab

 Blood for Bacterial/Viral Serology 

eg Lyme/CMV/EBV/Hepatitis/HIV/Varicella Zoster/ Measles


Gold top

 Blood for viral PCR

eg CMV/EBV/ HIV Viral load, Hepatitis B, C 


Purple EDTA tube

Mumps (oral fluid IgM PCR)

Acute cases only. For immunity testing please see Viral Serology above



Oral fluid testing -please contact UKHSA to request a kit 0300 3038162

If wanting to test in clinic please discuss with Virology (after discussing with UKHSA)  at Severn infection sciences to avoid delay





Oral fluid testing-please contact UKHSA to request a kit 0300 3038162

If wanting to test in clinic please discuss first with UKHSA  to risk assess

MRSA screen swab



purple top sigma trans swab

If needing to screen urine send boric acid container

Sputum MC&S


universal white top container

Threadworm/Enterobius Kit


 Send if diagnostic uncertainty or treatment resistant cases to confirm diagnosis.

Kit can be requested from pathology see above

Fungal skin/nail scraping for microscopy and culture


Mycology collection kit


Contacts and further resources

To request testing kits and tubes please contact: 

For any other queries or suggestions for improvements relating to the below please email: 

For a full list of Pathology testing repertoire including turnaround times please see
Test Information | North Bristol NHS Trust (

Efforts are made to ensure the accuracy and agreement of these guidelines, including any content uploaded, referred to or linked to from the system. However, BNSSG ICB cannot guarantee this. This guidance does not override the individual responsibility of healthcare professionals to make decisions appropriate to the circumstances of the individual patient, in consultation with the patient and/or guardian or carer, in accordance with the mental capacity act, and informed by the summary of product characteristics of any drugs they are considering. Practitioners are required to perform their duties in accordance with the law and their regulators and nothing in this guidance should be interpreted in a way that would be inconsistent with compliance with those duties.

Information provided through Remedy is continually updated so please be aware any printed copies may quickly become out of date.