REMEDY : BNSSG referral pathways & Joint Formulary

BNSSG Adult Joint Formulary
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Decisions 3rd March 2020

At the meeting on the 3rd March the following decisions were agreed


New Drug Requests




Plenvu Powder for Oral Solution (TLS Red)

  • For NBT use only, as part of a 6 month trial ending Sept 2020 for patients over 18 years old requiring a bowel cleansing agent prior to any procedure requiring a clean bowel 

Acetic Acid Solution (TLS Red)

  • For use during a screening gastroscopy to enhance identification of dysplastic areas in patients with Barrett's Oesophagus

Lidocaine Patches (TLS Red)

  • For new patients only- for the treatment of localised, neuropathic pain after other treatments have been tried. Existing patients prescribed lidocaine patches for this indication by Primary Care are to remain Primary Care responsibility
  • TLS Red status to be reviewed in 12 months' time pending evaluation and development of treatment pathway (April 2021)

Cosopt iMulti (Dorzolamide/timolol preservative free eye drops) (TLS Blue)

  • Cosopt iMulti (preservative free) is the preferred brand of Dorzolamide/Timolol eye drops  

Shared Care Protocols/TLS changes

Salofalk® retention enema, suppositories and foam enema changed from TLS Blue to TLS Green 

Hydrocortisone IV (TLS Green) added to gastro-intestinal chapter to induce remission in acute severe Ulcerative Colitis 


  • TLS Amber for Adults with Autoimmune Hepatitis who are intolerant of azathioprine. 
  • Approved for NBT use only- still awaiting UHB approval

Methylphenidate (IR and MR); dexamfetamine, lisdexamfetamine and atomoxetine- SCPs approved at JFG, pending agreement of the Locally Enhanced Service with GP Practices. Once this is agreed the changes will be made to the formulary.

 Further Updates post-JFG

Mycophenolate (TLS Red) 

  • For Rheumatological conditions
  • Update 23.4.20 please note, this has been approved in principle for change from TLS Red to TLS Amber, pending approval of a Shared Care Protocol by the Joint Formulary Group. SCP awaiting approval to be discussed at next JFG -date TBC due to COVID-19